So here are Flip, Moth, Moth's space ship, and Moth's portrait from the MothFip game I made with RPG Maker. Remind me to make a gif of these later, so you can see the animation. :P

Moth wearing a Mdavian space helmet. Didn't appear in the game.

This is Reimi, a character belonging to a friend of mine.

This is a group shot of the Intrepid hero team. Beowulf, Mythos, Arcana, and Swan appear in the first story. Meteora and Bakuryu were intended to appear and join in later adventures. I made these sprites with the restriction of fitting only within a certain amount of pixels, the way old video games used to. Other than Swan, they all manage to fit.

And lastly, here's some totally random stuff that doesn't tie into anything.
I should really do more of this stuff.