
Monday, May 2, 2016

Old Art

As a kid, I used to draw all the time, doodles to full-fledged comics. (The comics were terrible.)

These days, I might doodle a bit once or twice a year, but art quickly fell to the wayside as I discovered writing. I was actually starting to get halfway decent back then. But that was decades ago, and by now, my skill is rustier than an old spoon left in the backyard since childhood. And with that tortured metaphor, here's some crummy old doodles:

Aislinn & Chuck. They were intended to be part of a series about Immortals that I never went anywhere with. The idea of a lady knight and a cowboy couple seemed fun at the time.

This was originally the design for Alcohol, a character from a dumb anti-drug video game/comic idea I had. Don't ask. Of all the characters I made for that idea, this is the one design I halfway liked. So I kept it and repurposed it for a character call Alkem. I forget what I was going  to use Alkem for.

Before there was Runan, there were Wander (the ant-eater) and Pug (the platypus). Wander was going to be the original wandering animal character, with Pug as an occasional person he'd run into, and "Ronin" the penguin as his sometimes sidekick. Eventually, I thought Ronin was the coolest of the three, dropped the other two, and decided I was going to write the series instead of draw it. And, well, I only did that one story. Which I did draw the cover to, but fuck if I can find it anywhere now.

Not much to look at, but this is the Big Bad Guy who nearly destroyed the Old Multiverse during the Multiversal War event that closed off all of my pre-college writing and art, and was sort of my official step to moving on to other projects.

This is Dogo the Mad Painter. I have no idea what he was supposed to be for.

Here's some guys staring at a floating bookshelf. No, I don't have any context. I don't think there was any.

Here's two girls making out. I think they were supposed to be characters from another "practice comic" I was totally going to write. Roxxy and Sarah? I don't even remember if they were supposed to be a couple.

 Occasionally, I seem to think I'm funny. The doodles are based on Final Fantasy Tactics class designs. They aren't meant to be any particular characters.

I remember these guys are supposed to be Sarah (chick on the left who's a pyrokinetic and can create a flame aura around herself) and the short guy was called Samurai Gunner. He hit things with a paper fan. I presume they are standing on a sidewalk on the corner of a building. I once again assume these were practice comic designs. Said comic never came to be.

This is Roxxy. She was supposed to have her own practice comic, where she was a magic swordsman fighting monsters in her hometown. Another comic that never happened.

These guys are all from my "Krazy Komix" Universe, which was more or less my "cartoon and comic strip" universe. Mostly for jokey characters, I still couldn't help but throw some superhero and adventure elements in. From left to right, there's Triango-Man (a golem made of living triangle blocks, carrying a diamond sword), Needle Man (a man turned into a needle-thin metal man who could shoot needles), and Power Bat (a bat-like alien who had metal wings, was super strong, and could fly at super sonic speeds). I remember wanting to reuse these designs for yet another practice comic where they were living toys trying to defend a house from vermin and evil house-disaster related spirits, but that also never happened.

Apparently, this is "Stench". I don't remember using this guy in anything, so no idea what setting he was supposed to be a part of. Not too shabby as monster designs go, I suppose.