
Monday, August 24, 2020

Sustra and Dogoro

Here is a piss-poor rendition of my wandering adventuress Sustra, and her talking hat Dogoro. She mostly wanders around the multiverse or across my many weird supernatural settings.

Here's a recent sample of her encounters: The Glimpse of Dangling Wires.

Mutant Girl

I had the idea for this mutant design some time ago, but never really made a real character out of her, much less put her in a story. She'd probably fit right in with my Mystic Missouri setting.

Kuku's Forest

I don't know who this Kuku fellow is, but their forest looks kinda sketchy.

Big Tent Battle

Olivia (from Stoneburners), Alexis (from Entirely Presenting You), and Allison (from The New Humans) battle Ayla and her Beautiful People (from Music Masters) in her giant circus tent.

This picture ended up a lot less involved than I intended; I pictured a big, panoramic fight scene, but realized I didn't want to draw dozens of those monster folk to fill the image. I also intended to color and shade this one, but haven't felt like doing it yet. For now, here's the black and white sketch.