
Friday, May 29, 2020


Just a quickie sketch. This is Shave, one of my old Power Universe characters, a later member of the Justice Force.

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Girl with Eyes

Rough-line sketch. Really just trying different things until I find a technique and style that works for me.

Fan Art: Terrayne

Terrayne is a character from Dave Cockrum's Futurian's comic. This is not a particularly accurate rendition, but the design is interesting. Futurians was very much an "Action Figure" comic with its wacky character designs. This is a rough sketch, mainly to practicing hatch-shading.

Sunday, May 24, 2020


Gotta love that 80s punk rock anime hair. :P

Finally settled on a name for this lady. Still not sure if she's going to see any real use.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


This whole set today was just starting with a few lines and seeing what came out. This is my favorite piece of the night. I have no idea who this is, but he sure looks suave, doesn't he? :V

Splash of Red

While not as clean or polished as my other line work, I feel like this sketchier style has a bit more personality to it. Maybe its just the exaggerated eyes.


I think this one speaks for itself. :V

Buggy Scythe vs Bird Knife

Decided to try out a much sketchier style. Here are two random monsters duking it out.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Colors of Power: Fight

I'm still giving the Colors of Power idea some thought. Might go with the title Strange Shades.

Sky Whale

There's that guy in red, staring at some giant creature in the distance again. Just who is this weirdo?

Monday, May 18, 2020

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Munstarr Crater

I have no idea what a "munstarr" is, or why God decided to pin one to the Earth with a skyscraper-sized arrow, but here we are.

Friday, May 15, 2020

Snowman and Igloo Wander the Dark Tundra

Two more sketch-original characters, making them up as I drew them. Snowman (the woman in the lead) may be another of those "special named" characters like Deadman in the previous sketch. Igloo (the robot) has some obvious Mega Man vibes, which I will fully cop to. I was originally trying to draw the sun with black rings around it, but the "eclipse" look was a lot better.

I have a tendency to just want to draw characters, and don't have much thought towards backgrounds; this was an attempt do a pic that was as much about the landscape as it was the people within it. Simplistic, perhaps, but this is probably my favorite of my recent sketches so far.

I've struggled a lot with writing, despite having lots of "ideas" for characters and even some scenes. I'm starting to think it may behoove me to start doing more stuff like this, just sketching out images to get the idea on the page, instead of always leaving concepts to just languish in my notes and partially worked on stories.

Deadman: Come and Get It

Ryoko Tann, aka Deadman, is part of a quarter-assed concept of a science-fantasy world where superhumans are uncommon, but not particularly unusual. However, some people throughout the world inherit a special "name" through some mysterious means. This name acts as a subtle sort of director in the back of their mind, as well as a sort of preceding reputation throughout the world, which ends up shunting them into strange and unusual circumstances.

It may be some meta-conceptual commentary on the nature of story-telling or some bollocks like that. I dunno, I haven't really dug into this idea much. However, you can read a flash-fic featuring Ryoko here.

Trying to push myself with these sketches. This piece is me trying to do more foreshortening, as well as work on shading.

Colors of Power

I may have more to say about it later, but as of now, I'm not sure this idea is going anywhere.

Part of what got me drawing again recently is the desire to try my hand at a web comic. Believing my skills to be sub-par, and also not wishing to spend several days on a single page, I tried to come up with an art gimmick that would let me create and post pages at a reasonably quick speed.

The idea was to do a simple, black-and-white comic set in a world that was literally, in-universe, a black and white world. However, recently, a strange phenomenon has occurred in this reality, causing some people to manifest superhuman powers. The gimmick is that whenever a superhuman uses their powers, there is an accompanying splash of color to go with it.

I'm still pretty raw on the concept, no real story formed yet, and I'm not entirely settled on how the colors should line up to the powers. I have notes written up, but I don't really want to clutter this post with too much text.

While I don't think this "comic" is going to manifest, especially as I'm already getting more confident in doing full-color work, I still like some of these sketches.

Fish Girl

Improvised this character as I drew her. Mostly this was an attempt to work on my foreshortening.

Runan vs the Fallen

The wandering Seeker and swordsman Runan, battles a particularly monstrous rendition of the Fallen. Runan is one of my more interesting characters, a penguin traveling through a world of talking animals, living amongst the remnants of an advanced, lost human civilization. Like all Seekers, he wishes to find a way to contact "the likeness of God", and find answers to his existential questions.

You can read a "typical adventure" for Runan here.


Thunderstar is a member of Natural Forces, one of several superhero teams created post-Old Multiverse. I should probably do a retrospective on them at some point. Thunderstar is an alien who crash landed on Earth and joined the heroes mostly out of chance, but it is later revealed she is actually a spy sent to assess the outbreak of super powers on Earth.

The suit design is actually far older than the character. The idea is that the lightning lines are constantly shifting around the black material, so every time I draw the suit, its a different configuration.

Genegrade vs Power-Bat

Power-Bat was one of the Krazy Komix Universe's superheroes, because even my silly cartoon universe needed those for some reason. Ironically, he was probably the most serious and bad-ass of the lot, hell, even by the standards of some Power Universe characters.

Genegrade was some generic evil overlord robot character that I was going to use as the bad guy for Project: Xenn, which was going to recast some Power Universe characters as adventure heroes in another setting. Like so many of my old projects, it never got off the ground.

I totally forgot how Genegrade looked, and mostly improvized from vague memory. I of course rediscovered an old picture of him afterwards. Other than basic body shape and the trim on the shoulders, I didn't get it at all right.

Someone also commented how, due to their designs and color schemes, Genegrade looks like the heroic one, with Power-Bat as the villain. They are Krazy Komix characters, so I guess that's the joke? Haha.

Scythe Girl

Technically a sketch-original, although mostly this is spin-off design from Swan. Never really had any ideas for her, but I've drawn her a few times. I dunno why, but something about pretty women wielding exotic scythes just looks cool.


Roxxy was a "sketch original" character, meaning I came up with her design before I had any idea of her as a character. Back in college, I was planning on using her in a not-that-serious urban fantasy comic called Suburban Knights, where she and her friend would be small-time wizards for hire dealing with minor magic disturbances in a modern day suburban sprawl setting.

The Not Exactly Invaders From Mars

The Not Exactly Invaders From Mars were one of a dozen or so "comic strip" style gag character casts from the Krazy Komix Universe. They were probably the most memorable of all of those. I remembered most of their color schemes, except for Tentacle, whom I had to improvise for. I think I could have chosen better colors, in hindsight, but I'm not sure which.

The Body Warriors

One of my older, and weirder, Power Universe hero teams. I did a retrospective article on them here.


Cevin was an android villain created by Dr. Mathworths, enemy of the Fabulous Five. Something of an anti-villain, Cevin sought to fulfill his own agendas, not going out of his way to hurt people, but not being afraid to commit criminal acts. He at times worked with, and conflicted with, his own creator.

Fan Art: Systemless ATL

A team-up between two series written by TheDude3445: Eryk from Rebord On A Systemless Earth... With A System, and Karina and Morgan from ATL: Tales From The Retro-Future.

Fan Art: Sabra vs Gabe

Crossover Battle between Sabra, from Not All Heroes (by Rhodeworks) and Gabe, from Inheritors (by Megajoule).

Fan Art: Torunagas vs Nero

Crossover Battle between characters from Touch (by Rhythm) and Inheritors (by Megajoule).

Some Destined Ones Ain't Havin' It

Acid Trip Joker

I was going for a sort of crazy tattoo design, and ended up with this acid-trip Joker-y look.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Gaia Online Avatars

I never actually used Gaia Online. I mean, I signed up on it, tinkered around on it for a couple days, then dropped it. Like most people, I think the big feature that grabbed my attention was the cool avatars one could make. Unlocking the parts, though, meant engaging on the forums a lot and using their various game features, which got old pretty quick.

Years later, I would stumble upon a free-standing Gaia Avatar Editor program, and decided to tinker around with it.