
Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Swan with scythe

This is Swan from the Intrepid. Funnily enough, I used to always draw her wielding a scythe, even though she never uses one in story. I just like the visual a lot for some reason.


This is Perpetua, a character I haven't done any real stories with, but was a frequently used character during my run of Character Creation Battle Tournaments. You can catch a recent profile of her here.

Blue Jay at Kansas City

This is Blue Jay from the Mystic Missouri setting, overlooking some ruins in Kansas City that have been subsumed by the Mist Wall. In the background you can also see Cardinal and Kestrel. All three are members of the Aevir, the resident powerhouses of the setting.

Graven Cast

This is the cast of my web novel Graven, which you can read here. From left to right, we have: Shoggoth, Hitchhiker, Strider, Earth Mage, and Max-Out. Hardest part, aside from making it legible, was making sure I got the relative height differences right, and remember all the hair and eye colors.