
Sunday, April 21, 2024

Hair and Hatches, Blue and Shroud

Practicing hair mainly, in the first two. Getting hair details is fuggin' complicated!

Other pic is a little more coloring practice, watercolor on the left, regular fills on the right.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Black, Pink, and Paint

 I've taken up an interest in trying out watercolor-style digital painting, but I am finding it quite frustrating to use. Less because of my lack of practice with paint, and more because of how the watercolor brush engines in various programs always have something constantly screwy with how they work. Either they bleed too much into one another, don't have a good "wet paper" grain texture to make it look like proper watercolor, or the "opacity overlap" effect means you have to be extremely careful with every stroke you make. It's most the latter effect, and any fuck ups have to be committed to, as blending tools just destroy the texture of the brush and ruin the effect.

I might have to actually just learn "regular" digital painting with the classic round brush before coming back to watercolor effects. This is one of the few times I'm tempted to actually try out analogue instead just to see how different it really feels.

Monday, April 1, 2024

More Procreate Sketches

I've really fallen off of even trying to do "completed", full pictures in favor of just doing rough sketches when the mood takes me. It's good in some respects in that it does get me to draw more. But I haven't really been "applying" that to a more full-effort artwork. Oh, well. Every little bit counts, I guess.

The Hippo Guy is Rock Fueler from the "classic newspaper strip" style Mickey Mouse comic Zombie Coffee.