
Wednesday, May 13, 2020


Mogie was a very simplistically designed character that became something like my mascot character during late High School and early College. It was fun drawing him in a variety of outfits and placing him in wacky situations. He counts as one of my wandering adventurer type characters, having a homemade pocket teleporter that lets him travel the Multiverse.

Mogie is a denizen of the Krazy Komix Universe, my blatantly wackier cartoons and comic strips world. He sometimes operates solo, but is also seen with his side-kick Arrowhead.

What follows are a bunch of old drawings of him.

Default Mogie being surprised by something.

Mogie's trips through the Multiverse often brought him into contact with other characters of mine, such as the times he ran around the Power Universe. Here he is in a team-up comic book with Hot-Head, one of my teen heroes from the New Force.

I wasn't really one for fan art, but Mogie was fun to occasionally "cosplay" as other characters, just to see how I could translate his very simple form to other designs. Grant Morrison's run on JLA was some of the best superhero comics ever, so I guess this was a bit of a tribute to that team.

Various sketches I did for Mogie to be included in a High School Lit Mag.

Mogie notices a ninja a-creepin' on his building.

As aforementioned, Arrowhead was Mogie's occasional side-kick. This is the only picture of him I found not in a larger group shot. Initially, while Mogie was depicted as an ever-friendly, adventurous sort, Arrowhead was a bit of a stiff, willing to help his friend, but somewhat reluctant to keep being dragged into things.

At some point, however, I gave Arrowhead a "cool 90's kid make-over", and he became the more overtly cool and occasionally smart-alec side kick, though no less courageous than Mogie. This, of course, is a pic of his post-coolification.

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