
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Strange Shades World Map?


I drew these a while ago, but realized I never posted them.

All this time later, I still have zero clue what Strange Shades actually is, storywise. No real sense of setting, or characters, or narrative, just the art gimmick and a couple of designs.

I do know that the series is supposed to take place in a universe without color, and for some reason, there are humans in it, and while they have always been able to see color, it just didn't exist there, until the Colors of Power arrived and imbued random people with fabulous superhuman abilities. What exactly this other universe is like, I can't say.

In an effort to just throw ideas at the wall, I doodled these maps, thinking about the setting actually being another Pocket Dimension idea, maybe a solar system sized reality with a single sun, and the scattered remnants of megastructures and planetoids hovering throughout. These maps indicate that Strange Shades may actually take place on the fragments of a shattered Niven Ring (see the Ringworld  series by Larry Niven for the defining example). This could explain a number of things about the setting... or just be a completely random factoid that doesn't mean anything. Who can say?

That said, I've always loved fantasy maps and alternate cosmologies and megastructure designs, seeing the different configurations worlds can take. If I ever actually manage to do Strange Shades, I probably will set it here, if for no other reason than it would just be pretty interesting.

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