
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Angel Tops

Went good ol' fashion pencil-and-paper, with all the messy fuck ups that entails. The real point of the exercise was to actually try doing some inking, which I attempted with a micron pen. Can't say I'm too pleased with the results, honestly. I can make pencil lines dark enough to carry themselves on a scanner/photo, so the inking doesn't actually make it stand out that much more than it already does. I feel like it flattens the line work moreso than helps it. I tried to do a little bit of shading via thickening certain lines in the inking stage, but that's something I need more practice on. That said, I don't think the micron is particularly good for this task. Potentially messier as it may be, I think I would like to actually try inking with a brush or a fountain pen, and see how that feels.

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